Feb 5, 2015
As you can see, this young man has not spent much time in a dental chair. During his regular hygiene visit, gum pulls on the lower left from #18 to #21 were documented. The Comprehensive muscle and TMJ exam revealed no signs of dysfuction and the dentition itself show...
Feb 5, 2015
This patient is in her 30’s and has a dominant CR to CO discrepancy on the left side. Again in the anterior teeth frontal picture, note the position of the lower canines as compared to the uppers. The lower arch favors a class III bone relationship, but the...
Feb 5, 2015
This young patient has a severe growth problem due to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. She has had a lifetime of allergies and sleep issues as...
Feb 5, 2015
20 year old post ortho open anterior bite with daily temperol headaches Mammillons give away the open anterior bite, but note the midline asymmetry and how the bones go crossbite on the posterior left. The posterior second molars dominate the bite. FUNCTION HEALTH...
Feb 5, 2015