Overwhelmed? Start your journey into digital occlusion here with a list of helpful information and articles to get you started.
What is digital occlusion?
Digital Occlusion is an informational and educational platform which will…

review occlusal concepts, present clinical cases, and examine future trends in dentistry

introduce viewers to theĀ T-Scan technology and its 3D clinical applications in today’s dental practice

offer related articles, courses, and links to internet resources, and more!

If dental occlusion defined as ‘the relation of the teeth of both jaws when in functional contact during activity of the mandible’, then digital occlusion refers to the computer-assisted assessment of this relationship. The science of digital occlusion is in the analysis and the interpretation of the collected data.

Dr. Robert Supple, DMD
Dental occlusion has fascinated Dr. Supple during his 30 years in private practice and in 1990 he introduced his staff and his patients to the T-Scan technology. He teaches new dentists both dental and digital occlusion skills which will greatly benefit them and their patients.
“Technology energizesĀ the profession. New information acceleratesĀ change and advances ideas, concepts, and research. ProgressiveĀ thinking will improveĀ the standard of care and evidence-based learning will bring dental professionals closer together.”