Occlusion is probably the biggest loss of production in dentistry today…
given away because of crayon marks patients and dentists don’t understand. Computer-assisted occlusal diagnosis, knowing the intensity, direction, sequence, and pattern of force in any occlusion, creates numerous income-producing opportunities that are currently ignored by the majority of general practices.
This section lists ten undervalued and under-performed income streams.
- Each income stream has multiple applications. For example, we make five types of splints: anterior deprogrammer, full-coverage upper, full-coverage lower, athletic guards, and sleeping splints. At some point in their lives, 50 percent of patients will require splints.
- In addition, we have four different equilibration procedures: single-tooth, limited, full equilibration for TMJ diagnosis, and full equilibration for prosthetic cases. Small, medium, and large equilibrations generate different fees.
- Any time a doctor wonders if the occlusion might be an issue, there is an opportunity to perform a force scan analysis.
- Most dentists take an “out of sight, out of mind” approach to TM diagnosis. However, in the average dental practice, 30 percent of patients have one or both condyles in a pathologic position.
- As a rule, general dental practices ignore skeletal asymmetries which often cause their patients’ headaches and migraines.
- More and more, dentists are expected to improve the quality of sleep in their patients, especially in children. Sleep medicine is a new income source and can be part of the services offered in a wellness practice.
- Face bow analysis, study models, and occlusal analysis are procedures that often get skipped. Yet, simple force scans could give meaning to models and increase the value of diagnostic procedures which are proven income streams. Not only are these diagnostic procedures income-producing by themselves, but they also lead to more complete treatment sequences. You will get paid for your care, your skill, and your judgment.
- The addition of digital technology enhances diagnostic value. Moreover, the combination of digital photography, radiology, and force scans, allows dentists to clearly present diagnoses and associated treatment plans to their patients who can instantly see the value of preventing further damage.
- Any procedure which involves using articulating paper can be enhanced by relying on the information provided by force scans. For example, it is essential to balance an occlusion after inserting an implant and an implant crown to ensure a good prognosis.
Undervalued/under-performed income streams:
- Initial exam
- Recall exam
- Diagnostic records (face bows, study models, etc.)
- Bite splints
- Equilibration procedures
- TMJ disorders or ligament-disk issues
- Headache patterns and muscle issues
- Cervical and/or postural concerns
- Growth, airway, and sleep concerns
- Occlusal solutions for over 100 digital applications