The Plane and Sequence force distribution scan displays simultaneous contacts at a single point in time.

Dr. Robert C. Supple


The Plane and Sequence force distribution scan displays simultaneous contacts at a single point in time. There are approximately 25 planes in a single force scan movie. Planes and their interrelationships offer a great deal of information. Special attention should be paid to where planes lie within the force distribution cycle recording. Beginning, middle and ending force planes provide a 3D picture of how an occlusion engages and releases.

The movie below illustrates a series of different planes within one full-force distribution cycle from beginning to end.



 Remember that a plane at 10% of closure will be different from a plane at 50% of closure. Both will be different at 100% of force contact before the release sequence starts. Planes of force tell the story of entry and exit cycles by recording a sequence of multiple force sensels at different intensities.Planes of force are analyzed considering the following:1. Shape of the arch.2. Amount of contacts.3. Shape of contacts.4. Areas of no contact.5. Areas of excessive force.6. Balance of center of force marker.The shape of the arch on the force scan is diagnostic and often very important when the bones are not in harmony with one another. The figure below illustrates what a unilateral crossbite looks like on a force scan.